About two weeks ago, I ordered a new purse, and have been eagerly awaiting its arrival… and it is here!
I was continuously second guessing myself after I placed the order: had I chosen the two images that would work the best together? Would I like the upgrade to leather trim? And how would the hot pink lining look with everything?
It arrived last Thursday afternoon, and after pulling the bubble wrapped package out of the box, I could see that all my worries were for nothing - even in the wrapping it looked amazing!
I love the bucket bag shape, and though its bigger than my last purse (a bit taller) it still fits me well. I love the images I selected and used my special vintage art filters on. They fit together well, and the lining works great with the colors of the bag. And the leather is just perfect - elegant and comfortable!
I was watching Giana the day it arrived during her nap, so when she woke up, I showed her the purse, and asked who the pretty girl on it was. She just grinned, and tossed it over her shoulder. She’s such a girly-girl when it comes to purses!
So what’s the point of this story? Well, I’m so excited about my bag, I’m putting all my custom-designed photo bags on sale! They’re $20-25 off regular price, so now is the time to order yours, and ones for the grandmas for Christmas.
Visit the store’s Photo Purses & Bags section to order yours today!